Clinic hours: Mon to Fri 9am - 1:15pm & 2:30 - 5:30pm (091) 842 144

Complaints Policy

Main Street Clinic Loughrea Complaints Policy

We are happy to accept and consider comments and suggestions from our patients. We would ask that these be put in writing. Main Street Clinic tries to provide the best services possible. However, there may be a time when a patient feels that this has not happened. In this case, please submit your concerns to our Practice Manager using the online form below. A decision will be made by the practice on how best to deal with this complaint. If necessary, you will be offered a meeting with a doctor and the Practice Manager to resolve any issue. We will address your concern and provide you with an explanation and discuss any action that may be necessary.

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Note: Clinical matters can not be addressed by email. Contact us at (091) 842144 to schedule an appointment